Your Rights: California Consumer Privacy Act and Real Estate Transactions

It's crucial to ensure you are fully informed about your privacy rights, especially when it comes to real estate transactions. With the increasing amount of personal information exchanged during the buying and selling process, understanding the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is essential.

What is the CCPA?

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), effective from January 1, 2020, grants California residents several rights regarding their personal information (PI). This law was designed to provide greater transparency and control over the collection, use, and sharing of PI by businesses. Under the CCPA, PI is defined broadly and includes any data that can be linked to an individual, such as photographs of your property or sales information.

How Does the CCPA Affect Real Estate Transactions?

During real estate transactions, your personal information will be collected and potentially shared with various parties, including:

  • Real estate licensees

  • Multiple Listing Services (MLS)

  • Real estate websites

  • Service providers

  • Lenders

  • Title and escrow companies

It's important to be aware that while many businesses must comply with the CCPA, not all entities involved in your real estate transaction may be subject to its regulations. For example, brokers and MLS are required to retain their records for a minimum of three years, regardless of your preferences.

Your CCPA Rights

Under the CCPA, you have several key rights regarding your personal information:

Right to Know: You can request information about what PI is collected and how it is used or shared.
Right to Access: You can ask for details on what PI has been sold or shared, and with whom.
Right to Deletion: You can request that your PI be corrected or deleted.
Right to Opt-Out: You have the option to prevent your PI from being sold or shared.
Right to Limit Use: You can restrict the use of certain sensitive PI.

Navigating Your Privacy Rights

While you may receive notices about your CCPA rights from businesses involved in your transaction, it's essential to reach out directly to these entities if you wish to exercise your rights. For further details and guidance, you can visit the following resources:

By staying informed and proactive, you can better manage your personal information and ensure that your privacy rights are respected throughout your real estate transaction.

If you have any questions CONTACT ME.

Best regards,
Lindsay Woolf | CA DRE #02236711
DOMO Real Estate | CA DRE #01290500

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Real estate transactions can be complex and subject to local regulations.


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