Essential Tips for Securing Your Home During Open Houses and Buyer Showings

Hosting an open house or scheduling buyer showings can be an exciting part of selling your home, but it's important to prioritize security to protect your belongings. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you secure your home.

Personal Documents: Social Security cards, checkbooks, credit cards, passports, and ID cards are sensitive items that should be kept safe. Secure these in a locked drawer or safe, or take them with you. Avoid leaving them out where they might be easily accessible to visitors.

Valuables: Cash, jewelry (both real and fake), electronics, antiques, and prescription drugs are often targeted by thieves. If possible, rent a safe for these high-value items or remove them from your home before the open house. Even fake jewelry can attract opportunistic thieves, so store it out of sight.

Paperwork: Bills, checks, bank statements, and notes with personal information should be securely stored. Lock these documents away or take them with you to prevent identity theft and ensure sensitive information remains protected.

Family Photos: Family photos can inadvertently reveal personal information. Store these out of sight during showings to help potential buyers focus on the property and to keep your privacy intact.

Spare Keys: Avoid leaving spare keys in obvious places like under doormats or in fake rocks. Ensure all doors, except the primary entrance, are securely locked. If you have a key holder, consider removing or securing it.

Pets: Arrange for your pets to stay at a kennel or a friend’s house during the open house. This reduces the risk of pet-related accidents and helps potential buyers view the property without distraction. Don’t forget to put away pet dishes, toys, and other related items.

Political Signs: Remove political endorsements and signs to prevent any potential distractions or polarized reactions from visitors. This helps ensure that buyers focus on the property itself.

Delicious Food: Remove any tempting treats from the fridge that could attract attention or cause potential issues. This also helps prevent spills and messes during showings.

Safes: If you have a safe, make sure it’s securely locked and consider placing it in a discreet location. If you don’t have a safe, think about renting one for the duration of the open house to protect your valuables.

Firearms and Knives: For safety reasons, secure any firearms and knives. Lock firearms in a safe or remove them from the premises, and store knives out of sight or in a locked drawer to prevent accidents or misuse.

Create an Inventory List: Before the open house, make a detailed inventory list of your valuables and take photographs. This can be invaluable in the unlikely event that something goes missing and provides a record of your belongings.

Vacant Home Alert: If your home is vacant, instruct your agent not to disclose this fact to visitors. This helps prevent potential thieves from targeting the property, as they may perceive a vacant home as an easier target.

Looking to sell your home? CONTACT ME

Best regards,
Lindsay Woolf | CA DRE #02236711
DOMO Real Estate | CA DRE #01290500

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Real estate transactions can be complex and subject to local regulations.


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